“Dr. Horn,
I want to thank you for your wonderful presentation the other day. Your information and your delivery were spectacular. Frankly, I wish I had had a recorder on hand, as it’s difficult to remember all you said… I just wanted to thank you for your dedication and enthusiasm with regard to addressing brain disease. Incredible information.”

Mary F.

Video Library

Essentials Series

Whole Person Wellness – Annette Redding, B.H.P.S.S.

What About Relapse – Malissa Raasakka, BS, LAC

Sick Love Relationships – Malcolm Horn, Ph.D, LCSW, MAC

Score Too High – Dustan Toth, MS, LCPC

Psychological Dependency – Nakeesha Duneman, MS, PCLC, LAC

Essentials – Jen Verhasselt, MS, LAC, PCLC

Defeating Beliefs – Malcolm Horn, Ph.D, LCSW, MAC

Communication And Conflict – Malcolm Horn, Ph.D, LCSW, MAC

Adverse Childhood Experiences – Malcolm Horn, Ph.D, LCSW, MAC

Adult Children Of Alcholics/Addicts (ACOA) – Malissa Raasakka, BS, LAC

Addiction and the Brain – Malcolm Horn, Ph.D, LCSW, MAC
