“I have no suggestions, just praise- Amen!!!! Stay on it!!! You have a great program and staff- I cannot thank you enough!!!”

Dan B.

Category: Rimrock in the News


New Treatment and Support Services Available in Eastern Montana

Receiving treatment and support for mental health issues and substance use disorder (SUD) can be challenging in rural areas. To help people living in eastern Montana, the clinical teams of Rimrock and Eastern Montana Community Mental Health Center (EMCMHC) are collaborating with local primary care providers in eastern Montana to identify patients who would benefit – more…

Congratulations to Christi Beals and Coralee Schmitz!

Rimrock is proud to announce that two of our staff were recently recognized for their work in our community. Rimrock is fortunate to have such an amazing, talented team of people dedicated to helping those struggling with addiction. From our peer support specialists and counselors, to our resident techs and supervisors, each member of our – more…

Rimrock wins 2016 Employer of the Year

The Billings Chamber of Commerce announced their Billings Excellence Awards for 2016, and Rimrock was chosen as Employer of the Year! To see the link of the announcement, click here.  Rimrock’s bio for publication click here.  To view Rimrock’s publication, click here.   

War on Drugs

KULR8 and Rimrock came together to confront the war on drugs and share with the community the huge epidemic that is infecting our city. Our very own Bill Morris, RT, was interviewed and shared his story on how methamphetamine affected his life. Click here for the full story.  

Hooked at Birth

Young mothers using drugs and alcohol while pregnant ultimately put themselves and their unborn child at risk. This is especially critical when the infant is born, as they will undergo very painful withdrawal. Rimrock helps mothers and their children of all ages who suffer with addiction. Click here for the full story.

Project ECHO

The mental health of Montanans is a top priority for Billings healthcare providers, one that’s now being echoed by the state department of corrections. Rimrock will be partnering with Dr. Arzubi and the Department of Corrections to address mental health issues for those that wouldn’t otherwise be given this support. To read this full article, – more…

Billings Clinic Shooting

Rimrock’s Director of Learning, Malcolm Horn was approached by Billings Gazette for advice on characteristics of people who are actively using methanphetamine.She gave excellent tips and advice on this. Read the full article here.