“I have no suggestions, just praise- Amen!!!! Stay on it!!! You have a great program and staff- I cannot thank you enough!!!”

Dan B.

The 12 Days of Christmas in Recovery – By Rimrock Staff

Everyone can need a little help making it through the holidays, especially those in recovery from Substance Use Disorder and Co-Occurring Mental Illness. Our team at Rimrock is here for you! Sharing our staff’s real-life tips for navigating the holidays in recovery is our gift to the community for a healthy and happy holiday season. We hope you enjoy these tips from our treatment professionals and find this a helpful guide to getting you through this holiday season in recovery. #RimrockIsRecovery


Recovery Gift #1 – “Honesty” by Dawn – Peer Support

“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.” – James E. Faust

 Honesty is the foundation of a healthy recovery.

 Recovery Gift #2 – “Hope” by Andy P – Peer Support

“Hope is a good thing. Maybe even the best of things.” – Andy Dufresne (Shawshank Redemption)

When I arrived at treatment, I was broken and hopeless. Hope was the first thing I was given after walking through the doors.

Recovery Gift #3 – “Faith” by Annette Peer Support 

Faith in a higher power is what allows us to experience stability in the middle of instability. When life feels out of control, we take comfort in knowing that God is in control.

Recovery Gift #4 – “Courage” by Morgan – Peer Support

“Be Afraid and Do It Anyway”

My biggest leap of courage was returning to my small hometown with all the preconceived notions I had. I worried about who they thought I was, running into the people who doubted me, finding a lack of support and resources in the community, and facing the people that I had wronged. I had courage in facing those challenges with the help from my Rimrock team and the confidence they helped instill in me. Being courageous gave me the opportunity to prove to my small community that addicts are capable and worthy of changes. I am now welcomed into my community as a valued member and help other addicts learn to become COURAGEOUS!

Recovery Gift #5 – “Integrity” by Mandy – Peer Support

“As I have said, the first thing is to be honest with yourself. You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself. Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility.” – Nelson Mandela

Integrity is a principle that took me a long time to understand and even longer to develop. Integrity is when my actions match and support my values. In order to develop integrity, I had to figure out what my values were. I also had come to a place within myself where my value of self was more important than what other people thought about me. Integrity is not only doing the right thing when no one is looking, it is also doing the right thing and supporting the truth when it is unpopular. Living a life with integrity allows me to look at myself in the mirror and be happy with the person that I am today.

Recovery Gift #6 – “Willingness” by Janee – Safety & Training

“Being willing makes you able.” – Rhonda Britten

When I came into recovery, I didn’t know what willingness meant. Oh sure, I knew the definition. I had no idea about the practice or what it felt like, though. I knew that there were things that I wanted to do, and I did them. I knew there were things I didn’t want to do and I didn’t. I had a difficult time practicing willingness. The idea of doing things I didn’t want to do just because they were mine to do, or because there was a longer term benefit made sense when I heard my sponsor talk about it. It also felt physically and emotionally uncomfortable to practice. I was desperate though. My life was bleak. My heart was empty. Great desperation led to great willingness to practice being willing.

Today I am willing to take suggestions from others and try new things even if I think my way is better. I am willing to take care of myself even if I would rather go to bed without brushing my teeth because I am tired. I am willing to take action and speak up, even when my voice shakes. I am willing to be patient even when I feel like it has to happen right now! I am willing to challenge my perception — even when it feels so good to be right.

Discovering the practice of being willing has pushed the edges of what I thought I could do with my life. It has gifted me skills, opportunities and a life that I couldn’t fathom. I am so grateful this holiday season to be willing, even when it feels uncomfortable.

Recovery Gift #7 – “Humility” by Dave – Inpatient Counselor

“Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what it right.” – Ezra Taft Benson

Pride and Ego consumed me and were at the center of everything I did. Humility, to me, is that I have no need to be better than anyone but my former self.

Recovery Gift #8 – “Self Discipline” by Joe – Peer Support

“Self-discipline is the magic power that makes you virtually unstoppable.” – Anonymous

Self-discipline is something I have always struggled with. Let’s back up a bit. I’m a dreamer, and have been since I was just a young kid. I’ve always had plenty of inspiration, and no shortage of creative thoughts and ideas, but I’ve always struggled with motivation since I can remember.  How do I turn all of my thoughts and ideas into action, progress, and achievement? Through the guidance of some incredible mentors, I’ve discovered the idea of SMART goals, or goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based. I think a lot of people, many who struggle with distraction and focus issues, like myself (which I admittedly do), find themselves overwhelmed with excitement at the prospect of how incredibly awesome and different things could be if they are able to achieve their goal, if they can manifest their ideas and realize a dream for something remarkable. They might have the most brilliant idea or plan in the world, but not have a clue where to start. This can be absolutely paralyzing and detrimental when feelings of uncertainty and doubt can quickly turn into feelings of paralysis, and then eventually, a dead end and feelings of failure. SMART goals have helped me to stay on track, and have helped me learn to be disciplined. I can keep track of my progress, and I’ve found even achieving two or three small SMART goals in a day gives me a feeling of fulfillment, completion, organization, and purpose. It’s a process. But, for me, the trick is in keeping track of small goals that have been made and attained, and to never, ever, quit.

Recovery Gift #9 – “Love” by Bill– Peer Support

“Be completely humble and gentle, bearing with one another in love.”  Ephesians 4:2

Recovery Gift #10 – “Perseverance/Patience” by Joshua– Peer Support

“Patience, persistent and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” – Napoleon Hill

Recovery Gift #11 – “Awareness” by Andy M – Peer Support

 “A truly peaceful mind is very sensitive, very aware.”  —Dalai Lama

I’ve found that staying focused on the present and living life on life’s terms, one day at a time, are essential for my recovery. I can’t afford to spend very much time either in the past or the future. Being actively aware of what my mind, body, and emotions are trying to teach me helps me stay present — to appreciate what I’m walking through, even when it’s unpleasant. I’ve learned that it’s much more productive to face life on life’s terms when I’m fully aware and accepting of reality, rather than wishing reality were something else.

Recovery Gift #12 – “Service” by Lesli Admissions

“He who lives only unto himself withers and dies, while he who forgets himself in the service of others grows and blossoms in this life and in the next.”  – Dallin H. Oaks

I love this quote by a man I greatly admire and respect: I have found being of service makes maintaining sobriety much easier. When I am actively serving someone, I have no inclination to participate in selfish desires or be active in my addiction. Serving others is one of the greatest gift I can give to another person. It allows me to let someone know they matter and I care. I am grateful every day for the power of service.


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