“Thank you so much for helping me see what has always been right in front of me and that’s a glimmer of hope. I feel like my life has turned for the better and couldn’t have done it without you.”

Don G.

Tag: Holidays


Handling Conflict

The Holidays are underway, and the weather is getting colder. With the hustle and bustle of the season, it may feel like there are moments of “tense” times in your home. Everyone is feeling it. Your kids are anxious to be done with school, Santa is watching their every move, and the decorations are reminding – more…

The Holidays are coming!!! Are you ready?

It is that time of year again. Thanksgiving. The kids have time off of school, the relatives are coming and Aunt Sue is bringing a jello mold. You still have to plan your meal, figure out how to make the perfectly massive, moist-and-not-too-cooked bird for all your family members to gather around and be thankful – more…
