“Thank you to everyone at Rimrock Foundation. You saved my life.”

Eliza R.



New Treatment and Support Services Available in Eastern Montana

Receiving treatment and support for mental health issues and substance use disorder (SUD) can be challenging in rural areas. To help people living in eastern Montana, the clinical teams of Rimrock and Eastern Montana Community Mental Health Center (EMCMHC) are collaborating with local primary care providers in eastern Montana to identify patients who would benefit – more…

Stay Home, But Stay Connected

I am a card-carrying introvert. This surprises many people as I talk and interact with people as a profession, but when I’m not at work, I am a hermit. So you might think that “social distancing” is easy for me (and let me insert this….it is not “social” distancing, it is “physical” distancing….more on that – more…

Concerned about COVID-19?

All visitation has been suspended at Rimrock due to COVID-19. Thank you for helping us protect the health and safety of our community. We recognize the challenges that we are all facing with COVID-19 and we want to provide accurate, helpful information as well as support for those struggling during these trying times. Please read – more…

Mental Illness and Alcohol Use Disorder

“Stop drinking.” “You drink too much.” “I’ll only drink on weekends.” “I’ll only drink when I’m not with my kids.” “I only drink beer…no hard stuff.” “It’s normal to drink.” If any of these above phrases resonate with you, you may be aware that there is a problem with alcohol. But what if one of – more…

Alcohol, the Forgotten Addiction

Not a day goes by that you open the local paper or watch the news or hear about a crime that was committed related to drugs. It’s a sad reality that unfortunately has become our new normal. The even crazier reality is that in a world where we treat addiction, alcohol remains at the top – more…

Ready to Feel Something New?

Using substances or turning to other activities like alcohol consumption or binging and purging as a coping mechanism can quickly lead to substance abuse and dependence. People use substances to cope with a variety of things, including stress, social anxiety, death of a loved one, a breakup, or PTSD. Though these substances or activities may – more…

The 12 Days of Christmas in Recovery – By Rimrock Staff

Everyone can need a little help making it through the holidays, especially those in recovery from Substance Use Disorder and Co-Occurring Mental Illness. Our team at Rimrock is here for you! Sharing our staff’s real-life tips for navigating the holidays in recovery is our gift to the community for a healthy and happy holiday season. – more…

Tips for Enjoying the Holidays in Recovery

Happy Holidays from the Peer Support Team at Rimrock! Our peer support specialists are an integral part of our treatment team. They share lived experience and recovery-based lifestyles, offering non-clinical assistance to help others achieve long-term recovery from mental health, physical health, substance use and addiction issues. Peer support specialists are specifically trained to assist – more…

Join Rimrock for National Prescription Drug Take Back Day 2019!

Rimrock is proud to be partnering with local law enforcement, and the DEA for this year’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Saturday, October 26th. This year, there will be two locations in Billings for people to dispose of their unwanted and expired prescription medications — The Billings Elks Lodge, 934 Lewis Avenue, and a second – more…

Treatment, Education & Prevention

Like the Rimrocks that hug our community in a circle of protective, welcoming strength, Rimrock has proudly encircled our community with a commitment to be the leading provider addiction treatment in our area for over 40 years. We are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of our patients and our community. By providing – more…
